Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Golf is a Team Sport by Andrew Banner, NASM-CPT

To maximize your golf game’s potential requires a fully integrated team made-up of the golfer, the swing instructor, the golf fitness coach, and the sport medicine doctor. 
Most golfers believe that with the help of a quality golf instructor they can reach their golfing goals and in some cases this may be true. In reality, however, swing instructors are forced to find new ways for a golfer’s swing to compensate for faults caused by their body’s limitations. If golfers truly strive to play better with less pain then the missing pieces to the “team” are the golf fitness coach and the sports medicine doctor. Together these two add the dynamics of working on the golfer’s most important tool, the body. Typically each lesson with your swing instructor is focused on simple movements, but golfers are often frustrated when attempting to fine-tune new swing corrections. Many times, the reason why it is so challenging for golfers to make swing changes is because their body does not have the range of motion or stability to complete that specific movement. The direct link between body limitations and swing faults can be a frustrating delay in the improvement process.
Completing the “team” with a quality golf fitness instructor and sports medicine doctor is a foolproof approach. Full integration of the “team” should include communication between all parties to avoid any information being lost in translation. This is as easy as the golf fitness coach standing in on a lesson with the golfer and his swing instructor. The golf fitness coach will now be able to see what the swing instructor is teaching the golfer and how the golfer’s body is responding to the motion. With that information, the sports medicine doctor can get the body tuned up before the golf fitness coach re-trains the golfer’s neuromuscular movement patterns. Together, the “team” can help the golfer reach his or her full potential faster!

Synergy Athletic Performance incorporates a unique and seamless integration from the golf instructor to the conditioning specialist enabling our clients to take a streamlined approach toward elevating their golf game all under the direction of Damon Goddard, strength coach of multiple PGA Tour Players, 2-US AM Champions, and Top Collegiate Golfers. 

4950 Belt Line Rd Suite 100
Addison, TX 75254
Phone: 214.699.7727
Website: synergyathletic.com
Email: info@synergyathletic.com

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