Winter weather is quickly upon us and our days of warm sunshine on the course are numbered. Find a cozy spot for your clubs but do not shelve the most important piece of equipment you own, your body. Before you start your off-season check with the Performance Coaches at Synergy Athletic Performance. Their Athletic Movement Profile® will help to identify any muscular imbalances and movement asymmetries that could be limiting your distance off the tee or causing that “twinge” in your back you feel after a day on the course.
With a combined 20 years experience in the sports performance industry, co-founders Damon Goddard and Jon DeMoss have developed a comprehensive approach to athletic training that begins with a screening to score your potential for injury. After the initial screening, an individualized training program is created to address any problem areas that keep you from performing optimally.
According to Coach DeMoss, “Many athletes lack adequate fundamental movement qualities. These athletes then create compensations to try and stay competitive. Over time these compensations can eventually lead to muscular imbalances and movement asymmetries that can, best-case scenario, reduce performance and, worst-case scenario, result in injury.”
Carly Truitt, a Performance Coach at Synergy Athletic Performance, details the progression this way: “A golfer has trouble creating adequate hip rotation during the down-swing. As a result they slide into the ball typically resulting in them dropping their arms behind them which leads to a block right or a hook left. Now you have a movement inefficiency creating a swing fault. Over time, the golfer notices a dull pain developing in their low back. To alleviate the pain they cut their play from a full round, down to 9 holes, and eventually take time off for their body to heal. Now this faulty movement pattern has not only caused problems in their swing, but sidelined them from playing the sport they love.”
Personalization is a unique aspect of Synergy Athletic Performance’s approach to programming. Not only are your specific movement patterns examined with their screening, but through the use of their 3D Motion Analysis equipment, coaches at Synergy Athletic Performance can break down your particular swing.
Coach Goddard explains, “Our 3D Motion Analysis equipment provides us a more complete diagnostic to how the body moves during a particular skill execution. It gives us the capability to examine individual joint angles and their effect on a player’s swing efficiency.”
To schedule an appointment for an assessment with Synergy Athletic Performance or to find out more about their training programs, call (814) 221-0500.
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