Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Re-Assess and Re-Evaluate, Regularly

And in summation...   The final piece of the puzzle to our Goal Setting series involves documenting your journey.  Emotions, behaviors, activities, stressors, and traumas - they all have an active role in determining if, how, and when your achieve your ultimate goal.  The key is to be detailed; not only what happened, but also how and why.  As you chart your course, take notice of patterns to which you can relate successes and failures.  Did you have a clear plan of action?  How well did you keep your focus?  Did you stick with the program after the honeymoon phase was over and this thing called reality introduced itself with a firm handshake?  And the most important question of all... "Is the object of your desire still desirable to you?"  Many things can cause a shift in your focus and redirect your goal orientation.  It sounds funny, but sometimes those new directions can be even more fruitful than your original endeavor.  Always revisit your "why" - if it has changed, then so should your plan of action!

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