Thursday, January 12, 2012

15 Tips to Fit 2012 by Laci Weeks

1.   Team Up! Use the buddy system to keep each other motivated, join Weekend Warrior Workouts!
2.   Start your day off with a high-protein breakfast. It will help promote satiety and jump-start your metabolism.
3.   Having trouble staying hydrated? Drink a glass of water before each meal and snack.
4.   Challenge yourself…sign up for a month of personal training to start you off on the right foot.
5.   Get your beauty rest. Sleeping 7-8 hours per night promotes fat loss and over all wellbeing.
6.   Snack smart…almonds, fresh veggies and hummus, trail mix, string cheese, Greek yogurt and fresh fruit all make perfect low calorie snacks.
7.   Don’t be a commitment-phobe: schedule your workouts in advance and into your day, that way you’ll be less likely to skip.
8.   Make it a point to have a shake after each workout!
9.   Take it easy on the booze! Having more than one alcoholic beverage a day can layer on the pounds and contribute to other health problems.
10.       Constantly varying the intensity, weights, reps and sets of      your workout will give your metabolism a kick-start.
11.        Order dressing on the side and then stick a fork in the dressing instead of pouring on the calories.
12.        Stay positive! Determination is the key; you can do anything you set your mind to.
13.        Invest in a regeneration kit to keep your body healthy. TRIGGER POINT will do the trick!
14.        Take up a new activity or hobby such as golf, tennis or rock climbing to make fitness fun.
15.        Remember all good things take time. Set daily and weekly goals to keep yourself on track.

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